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Proficient Reading: 40%

Distinguished Reading: 33%

Proficient Math: 35%

Distinguished Math: 21%

Leadership Culture

Drakes Creek Middle School is a Leader In Me school. According to, “The Leader in Me is a whole-school transformation model that acts like the operating system of a computer—it improves the performance of all other programs. Based on The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, The Leader in Me equips students with the self-confidence and skills they need to thrive in the 21st-century economy.”


Drakes Creek Middle School has a long history of academic excellence and leadership among our students.  From the award-winning Student Technology Leadership Program (STLP) to athletics, and everything in between, DCMS students happily embrace leadership opportunities provided for them, while seeking other opportunities as well.  Because of student interest and requests, DCMS enjoys a student led newspaper, The Gator Gazette, an Archery team and Speech Team.


The implementation of the Leader In Me initiative has only enhanced the leadership culture at Drakes Creek.   School-wide leadership roles include, Afternoon Announcer, Attendance Clerk; Flag Attendant; Student Ambassador; and membership on the Student Leadership Council.  Students created the murals depicting the 7 Habits on display in the hallways, while student voice is heard through Suggestion Boxes in the cafeteria and library. Leadership opportunities extend into classrooms as well with roles such as Telephone Clerk, Classroom Greeter, Gator Catcher, and Technology Guru. 





For more information about the Leader In Me, visit

Parent’s Guide 

Suggested Book List