Meet Your Counselors
Ms. Nicole Jenkins |
Mrs. Meghan Basham |
Email: Phone Numbers: |
Email: Phone Numbers: |
Counselor Referral Form 2024/2025 School Year
Click Here to Fill Out the Counselor Referral Form
Guidance Information
Individual Counseling
You may be seen for various reasons including teacher referrals and peer referrals. We provide brief counseling. If we, the school counselors, feel like you would benefit from long term services, you may be referred to a mental health agency. We will provide phone numbers and information on fees and insurance.
Students may see a counselor for. . .
* academic planning.
* assistance with study skills and organization.
* assistance with Infinite Campus.
* issues with peers.
* bullying.
* assistance with family concerns.
* questions regarding scheduling.
* resources or services to maximize student achievement.
*managing Stress
*learning coping skills for dealing with overwhelming feelings
*conflict management
How does a student see a counselor?
* A student may ask a teacher to see the counselor at anytime.
*Students may request to see their counselor by completing the "Counselor Request Form" that can be found on their Guidance & Library Google Classroom
* A teacher may refer a student to the counselor.
* A parent may request a student/counselor meeting.
Classroom Guidance
You will be seeing us through out the school year in your classrooms. We will be assisting in the completion of your Individual Learning Plan (ILP) that you began in 6th grade. We will be providing some career counseling to aid in the completion of your ILP. The ILP is designed to get you thinking about your future such as careers you are interested in and ways to reach your career goals. We are also happy to help you with high school registration. We can speak to you about what classes are best suited for your career/college interests
Small Group Counseling:
We also offer small group opportunities so students can discuss and explore guidance topics together in a smaller setting. Groups we have offered in the past include organizational skills, emotional regulation, Lunch Bunch, and more.
Information that is shared with the school counselor is confidential unless you give permission to share that information, or unless we are required by law to share it.
We will share your information when. . .
* you give us permission to share
*we are required to release information by law
* if a law is broken
* if a judge orders us to provide information
* if we believe that you are at risk of harming yourself or others
* if we believe that someone else is harming you